5 Ways to Maintain your Health as the Seasons Change

5 Ways to Maintain your Health as the Seasons Change

happySeasonal changes are inevitable but your health doesn’t have to be. Over the last month, we’ve shared articles with tips on how to fight the common cold, those pesky seasonal allergies, and what to do when you think you’re coming down with the flu. After sifting through these posts, we compiled these 5 things you can do to maintain your health as the seasons change:

  1. Get plenty of rest. Research shows that younger children need 10-11 hours of sleep per night while teenagers range from 8-10. Adults under the age of 65 should shoot to get 7-9 hours each night while adults over the age of 65 require 7-8 hours of sleep each night, according to the National Sleep Foundation.
  2. Breathe fresh air often. Just because the air is cooling, doesn’t mean you have to stay locked-up dormant until spring arrives. Deep diaphragmatic breathing improves your immunity, detoxifies us, and exercises our internal organs.
  3. Stay hydrated. As the summer heat begins to let-off, many will also relax on their water intake. Autumn marks the beginning of the dry season, so making sure you’re hydrated is imperative. Increased water intake can improve back pain from raking leaves, strengthen your immune system, and help fight against acute illnesses.
  4. Eat well. Autumn offers many root vegetables that are packed with nutrients. Since this vegetation isn’t available year-round, take advantage of these veggies, fresh fruit, pumpkins and squashes to pack your body with beta carotene, vitamin C and other nutrients to improve your immune function.
  5. Stay active. Continuing to budget time for daily exercise can help fight the seasonal blues, maintain immune functionality and regulate mood swings — all which come from decreased sunlight.

If you find yourself feeling under-the-weather, visit any of our Bowling Green Walk-In Clinics or call ahead to schedule an appointment.