Choose THEIR Plate

Choose THEIR Plate

Yes, it is difficult at times to entice your children to eat their vegetables. But don’t give up. Can you recall any foods you disliked as a child that you now enjoy? (Think chopped onion, garlic, andgreen salads). Taste buds evolve as we age. And it often takes time to acquire tastes for certain foods. However, if your child is offered nothing other than what they are apt to love at first bite (fries, chicken nuggets and processed treats), you will never know if they could grow to enjoy something that will fuel their bodies with beautiful nutrients.

Studies show it may take a dozen or more times of offering a new food for a small child to actually give it a try. How will either of you ever know whether or not they think butternut squash is the most tasty vegetable around if it is never again offered after the first pass?

So remember that you, as the parent, know what is best. Set good examples when it comes to eating your vegetables. It will benefit everyone involved. Continue to serve edamamewith dinner. And remember educational resources available to you at Happy National Nutrition Month!