Take cover and cover up!

Take cover and cover up!

We’re in the throes of summer now, and the heat is on. While need for sunscreen is unavoidable, we’re learning more and more about the harmful effects chemicals in personal care products can have on our health. On the other hand, it’s no good to just go unprotected. We know that. What to do? We’ve compiled a few tips here to help you and yours be safeguarded during these broiling summer months, from the sun and its ever-thinning protective barrier.

Enjoy shade.
If you can’t find shade, put forth the effort to create it. Even if you’re residing at the beach or out in the open for a long period of time, you can produce some great, affordable shade. We’re lucky to have such prevalent items in this day and age to help us create shade. Try a big umbrella – hand-held or the staked kind. If you have the family in tow, 10’x10’ pole canopies are available nearly everywhere for as low as $50. Believe us, they are worth it! Don’t get caught outdoors without any kind of shade if you know you’re going to be stationary for most of the day.

Wear clothing. Accessorize.
This may sound hot and uncomfy, but it’s not – as long as you have the right fabrics. UVA/UVB protection now comes in lots of clothing, in moisture wicking material. You can find pieces in sports apparel stores and beyond. Wear a hat, and sunglasses with UVA/UVB ray protection.

Apply (what you learn, then sunscreen).
Environmental Working Group’s 2015 Guide to Sunscreens states, “Sunscreen should be your last resort.” This means to simply take all measures necessary to avoid harmful sunrays by seeking shade, covering up with clothing, and planning outdoor activities around the time of day or according to the day’s UV index. Once you’ve taken these to task, cover all exposed skin with a layer of sunscreen or SPF-containing moisturizer that has the least harmful ingredients. EWG’s site has a list of the best lotions and sunscreens that meet their criteria. Go with something from this list in order to avoid harmful chemicals that penetrate the skin, entering your bloodstream to cause harmful hormonal effects on you and your loved ones.

It’s up to you to advocate for your health and the health of your family. Don’t trust a product simply because it’s on a store shelf. Do your homework, and protect yourself as a consumer.